Close Up Interview with Construction Artist Tanya Stubbles

Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.

I am a construction artist who works with the found object to access peoples conscious and subconscious memories. I work within a painting context and spend my days on power tools, in junk yards to construct pieces of inspiration and beauty.

Who (or what) inspires you to do what you love in your own creative business?

I am inspired by the Australian landscape and by it’s people and their stories. I enjoy translating Australian stories and memories to create works that speak of a historical, cultural and social nature. My children also inspire me everyday to work, to believe in myself, my vision and to never give up on my dreams.

Love bug

Where do you get your inspiration from when you design/paint?

I am inspired by the beauty and history of every piece I collect. I work in a intuitive way, I never impose my ideas on the objects. I allow them to speak for themselves.

What are the five words that people who know you would use to describe you?

Passionate, Determined, Sensual, Strong, Sensitive

Tell us about your very first job and what path have you taken since then?

My first job was being a young mother. My days were spent caring for and loving my children. I have always been creative and whilst my children were young I had limited time to work. My garden was my canvas as were the plates of food I prepared and displayed in a beautiful way. The way we interact with the world is artistic and I found ways to explore my creativity in my day to day experience.

As my children grew older and I had more time available to work I started painting, learning new skills, working with power tools, educating myself and developing a unique vision for my art.

Tanya Stubble

Describe a typical day in your studio space?

I wake up at dawn. I love the quiet of the morning. I often go into the studio and sit looking at works in process, organising in my mind the plans for the day. I am very organised and methodical. Once my children have set off for school I start working on compositions and ideas. The morning is often spent on my equipment and hardware. I need to be very careful and my attention alert. I have a lunch break and work all afternoon.
I work long hours, sometimes well into the night on quieter activities. When I have deadlines or a work I am keen to resolve and complete I can work 20 hour days. I am very driven and the work excites me so much that I don’t want to stop. I try to take a couple of days a week to go on road trips into the rural landscape sourcing materials and meeting people. This is always a delight as it keeps my mind fresh full of new ideas, offers a respite from the long hours in solitude and is always a exciting treasure hunt.
Tanya in studio

As an Artist, what is your biggest frustration?

The Unknown

Tell us about how you prioritise your work.

I am very organised. I have deadlines for shows all year long so I have a calendar on the wall of the studio. It really helps if you are a visual person to see your time frames you are working within. I work when I need to work and I take time off when I can. Although I never really stop working my mind is always awash with ideas.

Can you please tell us about how do you connect with other artists, and your customers?

I must say I am probably the worst networker in the world. I know other artists who are brilliant networkers it’s definitely an area I need to improve on. I have a client list and word of mouth is everything. My clients and supporters often spread the word on my work. There are so many people who believe in me to succeed who are on my “team” so to speak. They are the best networkers!

Fire Hose

What advice can you offer other creative people who are just starting out and following their

Create a unique vision and believe in yourself. Never, never, never, never ever give up.

What dreams do you still want to achieve or fulfil in your life?

I would like to travel doing artist residencies overseas.

What is your proudest moment so far?

In my personal life it’s just those simple precious moments when I sit down to dinner with my children and the life I have created for my family. In my career being hung in the Wynne Prize AGNSW after only practicing my art for 2 years and ABC doing a documentary on my career. ABC Channel -Art Nation – Tanya Stubbles

Who do you most want to meet and why?

Great question but I can’t think of anyone

What is the most important lesson in life that you have learned?

To believe in yourself

What book are you reading right now, and do you have a book you would like to recommend?

The seven spiritual laws of success by Deepak Chopra I have read it a thousand times over.

Where do we find you and your artworks?

Mechanic on duty


Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.


  • Wow! Tanya your are amazing women and an inspirational artist.

    Great role model for omen artists.

    I am so inspired. Thanks


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