Students and Parents: Smart Career Options For Part-Time Workers


When you are a student or perhaps a parent, you want to keep your finger on the working pulse. Being able to commit to full-time work might not be a viable option if you are in a situation like that. That is why for many, being able to work part time is a great help. It keeps them in the workplace and leaves no gaps on a resume. It can help you to get an idea of the kind of career you might want to pursue, if and when the time comes. Part-time employees are also a big benefit to companies and businesses. The employees tend to be reliable and productive, as they can focus more when at work. They tend to take less time off as they can deal with things like appointments on their days off. What career options are open for people wanting to work part-time, though? It can be tricky when you are searching for work for particular hours. So here are a few ideas to help you, if you are not sure where to start.

Working in Schools

Being able to work in and around school hours is a massive help for many parents. It is even better if you have a teaching assistant job on a job share, for example. You can assist the teacher in the day to day tasks of running the class as well as learning what goes on. It is a good step if you would like to get into teaching one day too. You could also think about working in a school as an assistant in the dining room. Being a dinner lady is great part time hours for those people looking. It gets you out of the home each day, without taking up all of the day.

Promotions and Events

If you are looking for work that is a little more ad hoc, then it might be a good idea to work in promotions or events. If you sign up with an agency, then they can let you know when work is available. It is a great option for people studying at university, as it is pretty flexible. The work might involve working as waiting staff at weddings or business functions. It could involve modelling or promotional work in different cities and place. You can easily find promotional work in Melbourne or Sydney, for example.

Fitness Roles

You might need to get some qualifications if needed, but working in fitness could be a good option. The hours in fitness are quite flexible, as they might be early in the morning or last thing at night. You could learn to teach a class like yoga or aerobics. You could work part time as a trainer, choosing appointments that suit you the best. It is a good idea for people that want to get into the fitness industry. Or if you are taking a career break, such as a parent, it keeps you involved without being a job that is too full on.

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Vinh Van Lam & Stuart Horrex

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Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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