YouTube Marketing as a Link Building Strategy

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YouTube Marketing has almost become a synonym for Video Marketing. Being the second largest search engine next to Google and also owned by the first search engine Google, YouTube boasts of 2 billion user visits every month with 5 billion video consumption every day. The user and video counts are also increasing by every hour and each passing day. It is quite easy and not an exaggeration to claim that without YouTube Marketing, digital marketing is not complete. YouTube accounts for 3% of all the total searches happening on the internet. Practically, almost all topics are searched in YouTube these days right from health, education, shopping, machinery to insurance – literally all types of subjects, products and services. Though YouTube accounts for 3% of all searches, the impact on the users about the topics and products through YouTube is very high because of the huge amount of time spent by users with video content.

Another advantage with YouTube is people stay in YouTube after the search results, unlike Google where they click to the websites and web pages linking from the Google search results pages. In YouTube, users do not leave the platform even when clicking related links. They see related videos and still are inside the platform. YouTube receives innumerable visitors through Google as the world’s leading search engine directs many of the users to YouTube for video searches through the video tab and also through its main search results pages.

With regards to SEO and Link Building, even if your web pages are not featuring a top in Google search results but your videos are viewed in YouTube countless times, the YouTube algorithm puts your videos on top in YouTube search results and recommends your related videos as suggestions and recommendations to the users looking for a topic or search phrase. If you have your keywords and links mentioned in your video descriptions, you will get an unexpected number of clicks to your website or web pages which is not achievable through Google.

There are many advantages of using YouTube as a digital marketing medium or platform to promote your videos or brand content. First, the viewers in YouTube need not be so educated with reading ability to see your visual content which is in the form of videos. Neither the users should have much of a comprehensive ability nor high language skills to understand your concept in your branding or promotional videos. If your marketing message is conveyed through simple and stunning graphics, visuals and slides, your users will not only understand your business but will respond to your Call-to-Actions and increase your Return On Investment. 

As a Link Building strategist, your objective of generating links to your website or web pages can be easily achieved through YouTube by appealing to the users to check the description found below your videos for further information or to buy or refer to resource links, and get link clicks, website traffic, leads and sales conversions. 

There are many objectives when it comes to generating traffic to a web page in your Link Building strategy. One among them is creating live users for your upcoming event or seminar. You can achieve short term results for your e-commerce for a season in terms of website traffic or sales through YouTube promotions. During the launch of a new product, you can create a buzz and thus immediate impact among your target audience product advertisements and promos. In such instances and marketing scenarios, YouTube comes as a ready help and the results can be overwhelming. Read more to get a comprehensive understanding of YouTube Marketing and its effects and to get the best seo packages in Australia.

Video Content, Links & Keywords Promotion

YouTube allows not only to promote your videos but links and keywords through the descriptions, categories, video topics or subjects and keywords or search terms. You can put your links and connect to the right pages your profile and numerous videos in the channel that you maintain for your brand or company. PerfectLinkbuilding is one of the best Link Building companies in Australia and check with us for comprehensive Link Building solutions. 

YouTube Marketing Contexts & Contributions

YouTube is not limited to specific industries you can promote your video content with your URLs for. YouTube can be used across industries and even non-profit sectors. In recent times, various consultants, trainers and educationists offering services have started using YouTube videos to promote the consulting services and training programs through continuous video ads and video posts.

So, YouTube is not limited to promotion of only certain products, services or solutions for creating awareness and visibility but also can be extensively used to promote many things including e-commerce sales, contests, upcoming events, seminars, subscriptions, consultation services, etc., through advertisements, marketing messages, product explainers, product descriptions, video titles, promo teasers, etc., and make your potential audience see through your message, understand the purpose of your calls, interact with your links and URLs, and make their buying or signing up decision. 

YouTube Marketing for Link Building

YouTube as a Link Building tool can be used to promote numerous links of your Link Building program. You can the descriptions of your videos for giving more information about your and products such as your company profile, list of products and services that you deal in, learning resources, referral video links, details about your brand and YouTube channel, product tips, product use cases, testimonials, relevant keywords, tags, etc. Add to that, you have ample opportunities to promote website links to specific audiences based on your industry and people’s interests, and achieve your traffic and lead generation objectives through YouTube Ads, location targeting and effective content management.


Most of the YouTube video publishers and marketers do not follow a proper plan or strategy to promote their YouTube Marketing. But, as a professional Link Building professional, you should promote your videos in the right formats following the Do’s and Don’ts of YouTube Marketing. If you do so, you will be able to get the desired output of your YouTube Marketing for your Link Building efforts.

Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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