Wake up every morning with Passion and Purpose



In any business there are always systems in place… Systems for making sales. Systems to communicate. Systems manage day to day tasks.
Have a look around. We’re surrounded by systems.
Traffic lights for example are a system of control using red, amber, and green lights to manage traffic.
One of the key systems we’re very focused on here at Quantum Compass is your Daily Activity Planner.
Imagine how much you’ll achieve when you get out of bed every morning already knowing what your purpose is, and what the focus of your day will be.
Imagine how your business income will change, and how much more freedom you’ll have to design and create when you’re clear about what needs to be achieved.
In the Quantum Compass ArtSHINE program we encourage our clients to focus on these three key areas:
1. Working on your design practice:
“Promoting” you and your design practice. Invest your time to increase your presence and building your brand. Consider things like your marketing, networking, updating your website, and regularly posting new blogs. Find the opportunities to grow your design practice.
2. Working in your design practice:
“Creating” and producing in your design practice. Working in your practice you’re focusing on the routine day to day tasks like production, designing your new ranges, selling and following up with customers & suppliers.This is the work that never stops. And by only focusing on this type of activity your business income will never move forward in the ways that you want and deserve.
3. Working above your design practice:
“Renewing” yourself and refreshing your design practice. It’s critical for your long term success that you plan ahead and ensure that you’ve always time for the important things in life; family, friends, relationships, and the one most of us forget… ourselves. Spend some time every day planning ahead and focusing on your desires and dreams. This is where you focus on the process of creating your business lifestyle exactly as you want it to be.
Think about how you allocate time for each of these key areas and how you set up systems for both action and review.
Once you have some time allocated then the next step is to plan your activities into Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily tasks.
Remember that by breaking down your goals into small chunks your Desire, Passion, and Purpose will be easier to achieve.
Then you will wake up each day knowing exactly you need to focus on each day.
Are you ready to take the next steps in creating the business lifestyle & design practice of your dreams? It’s as simple as 1… 2… 3..
2. Send an e-mail to this Quantum Compass address: DailyActivityPlanner@QuantumCompass.com.au and receive a free e-book that teaches you the steps to creating the systems you need to succeed.
3. Contact Vinh for a no cost, no obligation coaching session: http://www.quantumcompass.com.au/free-coaching.php
Vinh Van Lam
the authorVinh Van Lam
Vinh Van Lam, co-founder of ArtSHINE, is a visionary art coach and entrepreneur with a passion for fostering creativity. With a diverse background in art and business, he brings a unique perspective to empower emerging artists, enabling them to thrive in the dynamic art industry through the innovative platform of ArtSHINE.

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